I've been a huge fan of hip hop and senior citizens for a minute.

Old School spits A$AP Rocky from rossangeles on Vimeo.

Director / Editor Ross Harris
D.P. Yamit Shimonovitz
In cahoots with Conscious Minds.

Over 200 thousand views on World Star Hip Hop

PAPER Magazine did a cool little feature on it.

This is an idea I've had for a while now. When Blake at Conscious Minds asked me if I had any cool video ideas I hit him with this. We called in about 30 seniors and I had them recite a Robert Frost poem. Then I gave them some Wu Tang lyrics and asked them to recite them in the same manner. It was obvious I had hit on something special from that very first casting session. Not just a laugh. We knew we were going to get those. But these seniors added so much poignancy and passion to the words. They had a blast too. No one asks much of these great people. They end up as a punchline or a source of pity. Fuck that. These folks are alive.